This past week I had the pleasure of attending a regional LAW conference in Chicago. LAW is an acronym for “Lawyers Associated Worldwide” and is a network of independent firms all over the world. Here’s a map of exactly where:

It cannot be overstated how valuable this network is. Within the first hour of the conference I identified an attorney to assist me with a transaction on the other side of the country on a particularly unique subject matter that had come up earlier in the week with a client. In the past we have utilized our LAW network to assist with import/export matters, local counsel for litigation and transactional needs, and to get opinions on local jurisdictional issues.
It is almost a cliché to say it, but the world is becoming increasingly a smaller place and servicing businesses is no exception. At Colligan Law we represent clients who need legal services across the globe. As a member of LAW we have a network of 100 affiliate firms in 170 jurisdictions in 50 countries representing over 4,000 lawyers. Each of our member firms are located in a major commercial center that allows us to leverage a diverse spectrum of experiences and practice areas. Whether we are working on a deal in Chile, or litigation in Japan, LAW has allowed us time and time again to provide the level of services our clients demand.